Thursday, October 14, 2010

Spending time with my little guy

The greatest blessings are those unexpected gifts which come straight from Heaven. The time spent with my youngest son these past three and a half years that has impressed this truth upon my heart. His existence began with a fortuitous miscalculation, opening the door for God to bless us with a most needed addition to our family. We didn’t know we needed him until he was here, but we trusted in the excitement of our children despite our own concerns (money, space, time – the usual).

It wasn’t until a test revealed a concern about my pregnancy that we realized our material concerns were mere cobwebs in comparison to a possible threat to the life of our unborn child. The rest of the pregnancy consisted of monthly blood tests, multiple sonograms, and then a miraculous solution which the doctors could not explain. Our little Sebastian was born just before the spring of 2007, perfectly normal and healthy.

He now accompanies me in my daily errands, asking me questions, exploring the world, and keeping me stocked with an abundant supply of hugs and kisses. The older children are in school, so we have our special time together each day. Since I am not distracted by other things or people at this time in my life, I find myself imagining through this special relationship with my son, what joy Mary experiences in her Son.

My little guy has awakened in me a deeper love for Christ in the midst of our daily routine. I’m his girl, you see...his breakfast date, his lunch date, his dance partner, his carpool ride. He is always with me at this special time in his life, just as Jesus accompanied Mary during His first thirty years on earth. When people underrate the special relationship between Mary and her Son, I have to wonder if they have ever fully appreciated or accepted the love between mother and child. It is truly a gift from God.


  1. Such a beautiful reflection, Beth! God bless you and your family!

  2. I love how you contemplate the joy that Mary experiences in her Son while you spend time with yours! Beautiful...
