Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thank you for welcoming me!

I just wanted to take some time out and thank some of my fellow bloggers who have tagged me in the recent weeks.

Anne at Imprisoned in My Bones, you have been a support to me from the very beginning. Your encouragement is unyielding and uplifting.

Colleen at Thoughts on Grace also kindly mentioned my blog. Thanks, Colleen!

I didn't actually realize that people who didn't know me would be reading and following my blog. It's really cool. I am glad that you are enjoying it, and I look forward to the conversations and friendships that will come out of it.

Finally, to all of my readers, thank you for supporting Catholic blogs. Our presence is so important on the Internet. May God's blessings be upon us so that He may use us as His instruments in the New Evangelization.

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